
I wanted to understand how kids between 10 and 18 conceive the internet. With the help of a friend, some more kids were interviewed, kids whose parents have a more technical background. → Read more


I wanted to understand how kids between 10 and 18 conceive the internet. I started doing some interviews and I received a bit of feedback from people. → Read more


I wanted to understand how kids between 10 and 18 conceive the internet. I did some more interviews, and received a video recording of an interesting discussion. → Read more


I wanted to understand how kids between 10 and 18 conceive the internet. Surely, we have seen a generation that we call 'digital natives' grow up with the internet. Now, there is a younger generation who grows up with pervasive technology, such as smartphones, smart watches, virtual assistants and so on. And only a few of them have parents who work in IT or engineering… → Read more


NoStarch Press interviewed Mallory and myself about women in tech and about our book How the internet really works. → Read more